Feeling scratched, irritated, frustrated, annoyed...


Feeling scratched, irritated, frustrated, annoyed...

Some days it doesn't seem to matter how successful you are, how fantastic the day before was, how proud of yourself you are, how loved, you will still wake up feeling like your skin and nerves have been rubbed all over with a brillo pad.

Everything is alarming, everything compels an overreaction, you're snappy and short and irritated and everyone everyone EVERYONE is breathing entirely too loudly.

You want to turn inward, to block out the world but even when you're on your own you can't shake the feeling.

Itchy.  Scratched.  Irritated.  Out of sorts.  Ready to snarl.


Your non-negotiable and non-priorities


Your non-negotiable and non-priorities

Just to set the tone, as I write this blog I am singing my lungs out to Lady Marmalade (P!nk, Christina et al of course - if you have an Amazon Echo, ask for 'Noughties RnB' oh my god I can't stop dancing in my seat!)

This morning started early, laying in bed at 6am listening to a training.  I've already attended an hour's training, journaled, drank my first coffee and now here I am with you.

Right now I've just finished waving my arms in the air and laughing at myself as I sang Rihanna S&M VERY loud (my poor neighbours!) and then realised I had to write this blog for you right this moment.

You see, messaging every day, getting you into THIS state, THIS high vibe is a non-negotiable for me.  You deserve to feel this amazing gorgeous!

Is it easy?  Yes, and no, of course ;-)


A few words on social media and choice


A few words on social media and choice

I have woken up with a fire in my belly today.  A few things seemed to explode whilst I was happily snoring last night and I'm busy figuring out where I stand on a few issues.

But one thing I absolutely, resolutely believe in, is the synchronicity, the complete reciprocity I have with my clients.

We may disagree on one or two minor points or implement them in different ways but there are some fundamental truths that we agree on.  Sometimes I let my message get drowned out by what I think I should say, that I shouldn't alienate people, that I should be a little more circumspect.

Except I've done that before.  And I fucking hated it.


What you can learn from my chronic sinusitis


What you can learn from my chronic sinusitis

I nearly replaced this picture with a picture of a teeny tiny violin because WAH WAH WAH Leah is ill - AGAIN!!

This isn't something I've talked about very much before but given it has taken over my face (and life) again I wanted to share a few thoughts that were coming up around this and a few parallels that are intriguing me.

So this will be nice and short.  Hopefully.  But we know what my blogs are like by now...


You can't reverse engineer your life


You can't reverse engineer your life

For some reason today, I'm really struggling to get this concept out there.  it's been going round and round my head for days and the phrase will not leave my brain, which is as sure a sign as any that I'm seeing this pattern on repeat and need to address it.

Do you ever find that?  It's pure cognitive filtering that, when we notice something, when it's brought to our attention, that we tend to see it on repeat.
