
This is difficult

I’m struggling to work today. My head is full of thoughts that keep taking me off in different directions, so I apologise in advance for this blog being messy, unpolished and nothing more than a cowpat of everything that is in my head, that I want to communicate but have been struggling to put together in any kind of logical order.

Since lockdown started I’ve been the one reminding my clients and community, it’s ok to feel vulnerable, it’s ok to struggle, the entire world has changed, everything is on it’s head. I’ve been helping the people around me to focus on creating safety and asking for what we need.

The past week, that conversation has changed, and certainly anyone following my stories on instagram has seen the posts I’ve been sharing about Black Lives Matter and the discussion that reached a crescendo with protests this weekend.

This weekend I’ve had access the other viewpoints and seeing how some of the big names, whose books might even be on your shelf, have gotten it wrong, and badly so. Shutting down conversations, tone policing how, where and when people can express themselves. Using it as a business opportunity, to market to more people.

I’ve also seen the same memes shared over and over, with the same people sharing the same sentiments, but many of them failing to take any action on it. Words have meaning and words have power, but they absolutely must be matched with action, otherwise it’s nothing more than virtue signalling and ticking a box.

I wonder how many people that I see, sharing so many of the same sentiments, will still be talking about this a week, a month, a year from now.

I can’t pretend to be an expert in race matters.
I am learning, and have been for a number of years now.

For me, it kickstarted a deeper search for understanding more than two years ago when someone I knew in the online space announced some pretty messed up viewpoints around prejudice and oppression, particularly denying white privilege and suggesting that oppressed people could rise if only they believed in themselves more. It was some absolute horseshit.

(Obviously I didn’t get to 35 without some understanding of institutional racism, I used to work in the courts for god’s sake. However, those stories are not mine to tell, nor are the stories of friends. It’s too close to pulling the ‘but I have a friend who’s black’ card)

This is not an arena in which I am comfortable speaking but it is one which I support and will continue to support beyond a flashpoint. By learning, by communicating but also by doing what I do.

A key part of what I do here is speaking truth to power.

It’s something I hold back on vocalising too loudly but I have an underlying agenda; to help more people to create sustainable careers and lives that they love, absolutely, but so more of those people can reach a place where they can speak up and speak out and advocate for themselves and others.

My big lens is absolutely focused around work but from there the outcomes become disparate and shifting. Some of my clients will climb the ladder, effect change from the top. Some will jump to a different ladder. For some it was never about the ladder at all. The outcomes are none of my concern, except that I help people to get there. To be able to act with integrity and be able to effect change on whatever level that might be, to be able to do their best work and live their best lives, so that change ripples out from them like a pebble in a pond.

In order for any of us to be better, we have to be able to have the difficult, uncomfortable conversations that we all inevitably learn and grow from.

We need to have the resilience and tenacity to keep going, because nothing important is ever straightforward and simple enough that we can change it overnight.

There are too many fights on too many fronts for it to be simple enough to sum up in a single instagram story post, and I’ve been around for long enough to see too many people share in the moment and then let it drift away, because it got hard or because they felt lost or because it was never something that they were really committed to in the first place.

I don’t have all the answers, but here’s my part of it.

I am committed to learning.
I am committed to growing.
I will share what I know with you, as well as what I don’t know.
We are all going to mess up, publicly, along the way.
I don’t have all the answers, nor will I ever. I commit to playing my part, regardless.
I am acutely aware of my white privilege (among others) and the duty that that places upon me to use my place to help amplify others who may struggle to be heard.

I would love to end this with some smooth, polished rhetoric or some deep and meaningful quote, but we both know it’s trite.

This is difficult.
It fucking well should be.


Where to start when you're exhausted and overwhelmed


Where to start when you're exhausted and overwhelmed

Shit is tough right now. That’s the truth of it.

I’m not going to whine on about how everything is more difficult and weird, because if I read the word ‘unprecedented’ one more time this week I’m going to scream, and it’s only Tuesday.

This blog is about how you get out of that feeling of exhaustion, overwhelm and struggle into taking action, but it might not quite look the way that you expect.

In a doubled up state of exhaustion and overwhelm, everything is a bit fuzzy around the edges. There’s brain fog and a struggle with your motor function that means that everything you type might be riddled with typos, or your higher level abilities to draft snazzy analogies and witty rejoinders are just… not there. Disappeared. You feel flat and dull and like every single step you take involves lugging a boulder along with you.

You are, as my dear old mum used to put it, swimming through custard.

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What you think is important


What you think is important

Tonight I’m running the workshop Thought Alchemy: how to transform negativity overwhelm and struggle into strength, and as you might expect, I’ve been having a lot of conversations this week about how our thoughts mean everything.

What you think is important, because it defines your reality.
What you think is important because you can’t stop thinking it.
What you think is important because, by the act of thinking it, you will see more of it.
What you think is important because it can quite literally change your quality and quantity of life.

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Rumbling with doubt and insecurity


Rumbling with doubt and insecurity

I’ve been in the rumble for a while with a situation, something that came to my attention a couple of weeks ago. I know plenty of us are rumbling with issues old and new; if you thought you were the only one who had had some difficult stuff brought to the surface or struggling to adapt, then you are far from alone.

I help provide solutions, new perspectives and ways of workings, shifts and adjustments but I never ever pretend that I am preaching from the mountaintop and have evolved beyond these issues. I might have a different perspective and be a little way along the path from you sometimes, but I’m human. I screw up. I have lessons to learn (god do I have plenty of lessons to learn). I’m in this with you, as someone who has walked this path and can spot the pot holes and twisted vines that could knock you down.

By sharing my own working out, my own process, I hope that I can give you some insight into how I work, how I work with you, and the kind of steps we can take to help you move forward stronger than before

So here is yesterday’s rumble, reproduced for you.

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The opportunity to redefine: let me (re)introduce myself


The opportunity to redefine: let me (re)introduce myself

The last few weeks have felt like several years compressed down, haven’t they?
Everything has been changing so rapidly and, in the collective worry and fear, people have had an opportunity to really show themselves.

Along the way, plenty of us have let go of beliefs, behaviours, belongings or bodies. I know that I have.

One of the things that is most important to me in working with clients new and old, is that we are a good fit. I encourage you to be who you really are, not the professional mask you’ve been hiding behind.

Let me (re)introduce myself.

I’m Leah; I’m the founder of Searching for Serenity and my big focus in this business is to help the smart, stressed out people who care deeply about others, to do their best work and create careers and lives that they love.

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